Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If life gives you melons you're probably dyslexic

I'm totally snapping at the bit people.

What am I supposed to do when my roommate has an adorable guy over and they are hanging out in the living room?  Do I supervise?  No, that's too hindering for her romantic life.  MMM I'm considering just being quiet and pretending I'm asleep and if she makes any protests I will charge out of the room and punch him straight in the face and then drag his nasty body out of my room.  Nooo fine I will let her get some.  Wait is that... yes, yes indeed, my tiny blonde baby roommate is getting some.  Sorry I'm creepin but this walls are thin and unless I make a special effort to put on my ipod I can't exactly ignore the situation!  Oh they are giggling, it's going well.  (Side note: getting some just means so smooching, necking, kissing, pecking.  Nothing over PG rated I promise, thats why they are doing it in the living room. I assume.)

Anyhoo, this week has been weird.  Like weird enough that I started saying "anyhoo" when I was feeling awkward around other people which has been frequent.  Just random people suddenly being very open to me when I wasn't expecting it.  And it's not like I'm a fountain of knowledge, as you would well know if you read this blog.  So I just sit there and listen to problems and spit out something like  "geez louise" and "shut the front door!" if I'm surprised.  Then I digest and say "anyhoo" and talk about how I need to shave my legs but just don't.  Like I said, weird vibe of the week.

Anyhoo.  I wrote what I like to think is my best piece of writing in my entire life so far (I mean I wrote some really great stories and plays when I was younger*) for those of you interesting in Gossip Girl.  Just look at the author for each article and if you see Kelsea you know you are in for a treat.

*This is false.  All my writing attempts to date have been just beyond pathetic and embarrassing.  Just a disclaimer for myself. 

No more giggling out in the living room.  FINEEE I will put in my headphones now.  Geez louise. 

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