I got really sick on Wednesday, I actually blacked out in the middle of class and I'm sure I looked comical when my head slammed down on my desk. Who doesn't appreciate a good laugh now and then? I do. I giggled when I came around because I had about 5 people that I didn't know hovering around me. "Pleaseee don't call the hospital, I just forgot to eat this morning" Though I'm not sure I would have minded if they sent firefighters in to carry me out. In hindsight, bad decision. ALWAYS play damsel in distress if it means being carried out by a fireman. Learned that one from Modern Family.
So I wonder if this is a normal thing or just a fluke, but you would assume when you go to the doctors that people that work there would be sympathetic. I mean if I'm at the doctors, obviously I have some sort of sickness or injury and I'm not at my best. But one of the ladies at the counter told me very condesendinly that I was 15 minutes late. To which i replied "Oh ya well I threw up as I was walking out the door so... ya know". That seemed to shut her up.
Communal laundry rooms can be awkward, like when you get on the elevator and suddenly the most important thing in the world is what level your on at that exact moment. Well laundry rooms are more awkward, because you can ignore each other but you can't ignore the fact that the girl is pulling out grandma panties and a training bra even though we are in college and how is that even physically possible? Anyways, someone eased the tension this past laundry trip. I take half credit because if I did not have the ensemble I had on this conversation never would have taken place:
Guy: Watermelon pajamas AND watermelon painted toes?
Me (thinking to myself this guy is way to observative and I really should not wear my pjs anywhere but my room) Um ya
Guy: I assume you like watermelons
Me: Actually no, not my favorite fruit but they sure are cute!
Guy: Good point
Me: ( a tad late on this but...) you know what they say about assuming
Guy laughs
I walk out not sure if I am pleased or just feeling awkward
And sometimes I just make mistakes, and I'm not sure if it's okay or not. Like when I took my pain medication and then said my prayers and was a little loopy. Now tell me straight up, is it blasphemy to say this: "and thank you for the drugs i've been given"....... "wow sorry" ???
Awaiting my punishment for that one
Hilarious facebook mistakes
I wanted to pick just one from this website but honestly... they were all pretty amazing
Unfortunately I'm not in contact with any of the guys that made fun of me when I was little. Probably cause I beat them all up
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