Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do I Feel Lucky? Well, do ya?

Apart from twisting my ankle and having my mother yell at me about my room, its been a pretty lame day. Why, you may ask?
Well that's very polite of you to care to ask.

I am under a curse at the moment.  Heavens, if only I lived in Harry Potter Land and found a counter-curse for this curse, I would share that secret with you.  But, alas, I live in not-Potter-Land and I must face reality.  And in this reality I am cursed.  What do you do when you are under a week long curse? Find a way to laugh.

I've always been good at making myself laugh.  I'm my own #1 entertainer.  

When I am under the curse that I am under, I usually have one of two options. 

Option number one: just like every other woman who does not live in England and attended Hogwarts, I deal with my curse in a horrible, shameful manner.  I become a witch.  But not like Hermione. No.  I don't become intelligent and helpful.  I turn into the wicked witch of the west.  (Ya, Wizard of Oz reference).  I ride around on a broomstick, yelling, kicking dogs, trying to kill innocent Dorthys of the world. 

Option numero dos: I cry

Normally it's option 1.  I've decided that I like option 2 better.  Simply because when I start crying while I'm cursed, I also am laughing at myself.  I can't laugh at myself when I turn into a witch, cuz lets be honest, it's not funny.  

I don't really have a choice in the matter, it depends on my brain I guess.  We all know that thing isn't very reliable.  

This past curse has a story that is extremely entertaining (lucky you!)  
So Harry Potter came out this weekend. (Oh is that why I've been shamelessly making Potter references?)  Obviously everyone has seen it.  So you won't mind when I tell you I got quite emotional during many of the scenes.  That wasn't the terrible part.  

The day after I watch the end of the most amazing series of my life, I got emotional.  And not in a quietly-thinking-to-myself-how-to-go-on, but in a curled-up-in-the-fetal-position-on-my-bed way.  I was sobbing.  SOBBING!  I couldn't stop crying.  I laid in bed and tried to take deep breaths, open my airways and calm down.  But then it came right back to me, Fred died! Snape was an angel who lived the most tragic life EVER!  I couldn't go on.  I felt I wasn't being dramatic enough, so I stood up, looked at my bed, gasped dramatically and let my knees buckle and fell back on to my bed sobbing.  

Nut job right?  

Thankfully, I was fully aware that I was being insane so I laughed at myself after I fell back on the bed.  Still, it didn't change the fact that when I got on the internet a few hours later and saw that Jennifer Lopez is getting a divorce, I fell apart again.  I have dark, saggy circles under my eyes from crying all night.  Once I think of something sad, it can turn into an evil snowball of sadness.  Why did Gerald Butler have to die in P.S I Love You?  Why couldn't Sirius Black have lived?  Why could nobody ever find Waldo? Or Carmen Sandiego

Yes I cried today.  I was upset with my messy room and twisted ankle.  And my toenail just isn't growing in right.  But fortunately my curse will be over with and I can and will enjoy laughing at myself. Which, have I mentioned, is one of my greatest talents?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adventures With Chivelings

First thing in the morning? Yes please

What's a girl to do? Pretend that they aren't adorable? Act like I don't notice that they are hilarious?
Call them my brother and sister when they are still "the babies"? Actually my awesome nickname for them is Chivelings, like chives, only since their little I added "lings".  The things I do to entertain myself.

The fact that I entertain them as much as I entertain me is a testament that we three are basically soul mates.  And by soul mates I mean I get along with them better than I do with most kids their age.  

So, checklist of summer adventures with the chivelings? ...

  • watch each and every Harry Potter movie together
  • bake chocolate chip cookies (eat more dough than actually baked cookies)
  • singing along (mostly just dance) to Michael Jackson
  • read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone via flashlight when the power goes out in the middle of the first movie
  • take them surfing in town for the first time
  • go early morning skateboarding
  • convince them that I did, indeed, receive a letter from Hogwarts when I was eleven saying I was accepted
  • have them figure out that I did not, in fact,  receive a letter from Hogwarts when I was eleven saying I was accepted
  • play monkey in the middle and be shamefully defeated by a 10 and 9 year old
  • teach Kason a new piano piece, teach Kaile how to not suck at painting her nails

 and last but not least, today we watched the Harry Potter documentary together, seriously debating the best and worst aspects of each movie and ultimately deciding that Voldemort is very much a bad guy, and the Prisoner of Azkaban was the best movie, but Goblet of Fire has the best action scenes.

And just in case you have never seen them act out Nacho Libre scenes:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I gained like 5 pounds of awesome this weekend

Southern Cali. Oh what a dream.  Katy Perry is not exaggerating, there is something about California girls.  Take for example my friend Clare Facer.  What a doll.  She is so stinking cute in all aspects of life its mind-blowing.  She was born on the 4th of July, which means that when I'm not feeling too patriotic one year, I have a back-up for celebrating July 4th.  Thus was this year (kidding, I'm super patriotic this year, I ate a red, white and blue cake to prove it).

 Because I finished finals in Berkeley and Kaulin and Brenn drove down to San Diego (that's spanish for something?), I had them drop me off at the Facer's household for a few days of hard-core LDS partying.  And by that I mean we went surfing and played Just Dance on the Wii and watched Harry Potter and went to church on Sunday.

The real treat was Monday: we went to the beach for bout 4 hours, got terribly sun burnt (well I did), came back to the house to find a cornucopia of food ready for Clare's party.  The party began with food and ended with too much cake and Just Dancing, and lots of food. BUT my dearest friends, this is not where the 4th of July/ the birth of Clare Facer celebration ends.  To top it all off, we went back down to the beach around 8, paddled out on long boards and watched the firework show from the water.

Yup, that's us out in the line-up

What better way to honor our great country than to take to the "shining sea"?  

Well yes, this was a successful stopping point in my summer adventures.  Thankfully, this is only one FABULOUS memory that I will keep.  There is many more to come as Kaulin's impending marriage draws closer (sometimes I need to throw in a line that sounds like its from a Jane Austen book, sue me).  

But you know what one of my favorite things to do is now?  Show off funny pictures at the end of my post: